Uncomfortable? Good, Me Too

I've been quiet around here for the past 9 months. Life was one thing and then another. But most of that wasn't on my mind in terms of writing publicly. However, now. Now is different. Now my words, while still not something eloquent, they are meant to be shared. If you're new around here, welcome. I ramble and write sometimes in odd patterns. I'm trying my best to get my emotions out right now, but I cannot promise that this will be even a decent piece of writing. The biggest thing on my mind right now is my students. For a plethora of reasons. But let's get to the one at the core. I had 16 students on my roster when we were told we wouldn't be returning to school. 16 students. 15 of those students are Black. 1 is Hispanic. Of those 15 Black students, 9 of them are boys. 9 of them are going to grow up and become Black men. 9 of them. 16 students. 15 Black. 1 Hispanic. 9 Boys. 7 Girls. 9 Black boys. Nine. 9 Black boys who are going to grow up and bec...